Wednesday, September 14, 2011


this things i wanna share wif u...all of i already talk to my father..i wanna work..i wanna work...i wanna WORK! hehehe.. adei...actualy mmg aku maw sgt continue my study..especially in pharmacy..especially bla dpt pluang transfer credit...2 thun..WOW! 2thun tu...than after 1 place in hospital government...easy to make money..bla bla bla...but what more can i say...hurmm..mybe this is da best choice i could make...WORK! myb after this my laling will clap his hand for me..and say...YABEDABEDU!...pretttt~~ kalik la...yeahh what so ever! kpala pun dokyah la pening2 dok pikiaq lg cmne nak lepas rindu yee..okay...
why im changing my mind...ok this is how its happen...
i call my agent...ask for this and that..ask for the place..ask for the requirement...n bla bla bla...hepy la jga bila dgr kan...coz da masuk dlm snarai..tggal MUET je lg x lepas...but when i start talking bout the fees...sana aku dok pening...
1st: have to pay deposit..3k
2nd:have to pay for the processing fees:4k for documentation bla bla bla
3rd:estimate ntah apa dia ckp tu bla bla bla...bila da ada kat sana...kira maw jga 3k
4th:pay for visa rm300
then total..13k+ have to pay by ownself :| OMG! igt bapak aku bussinessman ka hapa..kalau bapa aku bussinessman yg kaya raya or apa2 oredy 21yr old ba..kuyak ba..malar minta duet..adeii..after that when i say all this things to my bapa..he quiet blurr...ofkos la ba blur..we are not from rich family ba! adei..then he says to me again..napa ndak masuk d UMS ja? bapa aku ni semangat jga maw aku masuk tu UMS...i donno..for how many times..he suggest me to go to UMS...yaa..ofkos la..bcuz UMS tu dekat...but i rather not go there...adeii...
mcm teda tmpat lain...ada 1 minah ni...( anak angkat unty aku ) she work wif sime darby hospital...subang jaya medical centre..i dont know for how many years..dia skrg di sini la..d kk..taking advance diploma in nursing..and sponsored by sime darby..WOW! bkn senang dpt tu :) then she ask me if im interestered...crita pnya crita...mmg cair gila babs jga la aku...she ask me to give my resume..give my result..ok start from the result..kpala aku sdah jammed blik...WARGHHHHH! mcm mana maw dpt result if my result kena tahan bos! matik la aku mcm ni...zzzzz...adeiii..malar pikir pasal mo ambik tu krja pun blum...cis! adeii....bila start sdah crita pasal utang ni..kpala aku dok benggang blik...adei...k la folk..stop di sini sahaja la..zzzz~